
Quiz | Easy like Sunday morning: All about frauds and fakers! Business News & Hub

Quiz | Easy like Sunday morning: All about frauds and fakers! Business News & Hub


What is this statue called and why is it significant?
| Photo Credit:
Getty Images/istock


A molecular biologist from Madurai, our quizmaster enjoys trivia and music, and is working on a rock ballad called ‘Coffee is a Drink, Kaapi is an Emotion’. @bertyashley

Easy like Sunday morning

1 / 10 |
According to the Constitution of India, 552 elected members make up the Lok Sabha. Each member gets a bench with their assigned number. There is only one number missing. Which number is this, that is a reference to a section of the Indian Penal Code?

Quiz | Easy like Sunday morning: All about frauds and fakers!

हरियाणा में नगर निकाय चुनाव के लिए मतदान जारी, सुबह से लगी लंबी कतारें – India TV Hindi Politics & News

हरियाणा में नगर निकाय चुनाव के लिए मतदान जारी, सुबह से लगी लंबी कतारें – India TV Hindi Politics & News

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मानव कल्याण के लिए निस्वार्थ भाव से कार्य करें एनएसएस के स्वयंसेवक : प्राचार्य Latest Haryana News