Multiflora, Aiso and Krishvi impressed when the horses were exercised here on Monday morning (Aug. 26).
Outer sand:
1000m: Summer Song (Farid Ansari), Choice (Shankar Lal) 1-12, 800/57, 600/43.5. They finished level.
Inner sand:
600m: Legendary Striker (rb) 47.5.
800m: This Is Gold (Yash Narredu) 54.5, 600/41. She moved well within herself Authentic Bell (rb) 57, 600/43.5. Fit. Bertha (A.S. Peter) 57, 600/42.5. Unextended. Vandhiyathevan (Farid Ansari), Cartel (N. Murugan) 57, 600/43. Former moved better. Safety (C. Brisson) 1-2, 600/48. Royal Shades (C. Brisson), Saintly Star (rb) 1-3, 600/48. Abnegator (Farid Ansari) 1-0, 600/45.5. Handy.
1000m: Pluto (Yash Narredu), Turf Melody (M. Bhaskar) 1-11.5, 800/56, 600/41.5. They are in fine trim. Rubert (C. Brisson) 1-16.5, 800/1-2, 600/47.5. Easy. Skylight (N. Murugan), Krishvi (Farid Ansari) 1-8, 800/53.5, 600/41. Latter showed out. Multiflora (M. Bhaskar), Excellent Star (A.S. Peter) 1-9.5, 800/54, 600/39. They pleased. Asio (M. Bhaskar) 1-12.5, 800/55.5, 600/39.5. Moved on the bit. The Sting (rb) 1-12, 800/57.5, 600/44. Good. Sensations (K.V. Baskar) 1-17.5, 800/1-2.5, 600/47. Easy.
1200m: Off Shore Breeze (Ram Nandan) 1-28, (1200-600) 40. Eased up. Dream Flower (rb), Great Spirit (rb) 1-28 (1200-600) 41.5. They finished together.
Noted on Sunday (Aug. 25):
Outer sand:
800m: Star Brand (rb), Soft Whisper (S. Kabdhar) 55, 600/40.5. They are in good condition. Regent Prince (Bharat Mal) 58.5, 600/42. Extended. Eclipse Award (rb), Prince Purple (rb) 55.5, 600/42. A fit pair. Lady Wonder (rb), Multicrown (S. Kabdhar) 57, 600/42.5. Former finished a length in front. Sinatra (rb) 1-0, 600/45. Easy. Kallania (rb), Little Wonder (Shyam Kumar) 59, 600/44.5.
1000m: Cavallo Volante (rb), Royal Baron (rb) 1-15, 800/59.5, 600/45.5. Former started six lengths behind and finished three lengths ahead. Crown Angel (S. Kabdhar) 1-13.5, 800/57.5, 600/44. Moved freely.
Inner sand:
800m: Abnegator (Farid Ansari) 1-2.5, 600.47.5. Moved freely. Legendary Striker (rb) 58, 600/45. Handy. Wisaka (Farid Ansari) 1-3, 600/46.5. Easy.
1000m: Majestic Princess (N. Murugan), Avantador (rb) 1-9, 800/56.5, 600/44. They worked well.
1200m: Reign Of Terror (rb) 1-25.5, (1200-600)38. Eased up.
Multiflora, Aiso and Krishvi impress