
AI chatbot to help victims of digital sexual violence Today World News

AI chatbot to help victims of digital sexual violence Today World News


Two women from Mexico and Ecuador who spent years fighting to be recognised as victims of online sexual violence have inspired an artificial intelligence chatbot that helps others facing abuse.


OlimpIA, which was developed in Mexico, provides legal advice and emotional support through the WhatsApp messaging platform using several dozen languages. It was born from the experiences of Olimpia Coral and Isabella Nuques, both now 30, who both faced digitial sexual violence more than a decade ago.

An intimate video of Ms. Coral was shared without her consent in 2013, and when she tried to report it to Mexican authorities they informed her that there was little they could do to help. “They told us that nothing could be done about this violence because it was virtual, and the virtual wasn’t real,” she said during the first Latin American Summit of Digital Women Defenders, held recently in Mexico.

According to the UN, 38% of women worldwide have experienced digital violence, although the actual number may be higher. In 2013, Ms. Coral founded a group of activists who began providing advice to victims. The technology company AuraChat.Ai later became interested in her project, and last September they launched OlimpIA, increasing their capacity from 100 to more than 1,300 consultations a month.

It is also hoped that the platform will serve as a link for users with police and other officials, reducing the risk of them being abused again.

AI chatbot to help victims of digital sexual violence

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